the Adventurer

Monday, May 16, 2005

Woah! Beam me UP Scotty!

This thing is freaked out! I thought I was in mortal peril when I was hunted like an animal by those military guys but somehow all of a sudden I wasn't anywhere near them. I was floating through the air at five thousand feet and soaring higher!
Towards me was this great big ball of steel or something shining like another sun and getting closer to me, until it swallowed me.

The hosts are really nice and have started to teach me a few of their words. Whenever I repeat some of them the hosts seem to giggle uncontrollably. Maybe it is their way of nodding.
On the wall in the room they keep me is a large map of the world where I can see how we move and where we are going. It also has some lettering I cannot read but I guess it is some kind of mission information. Probing of the nether region anyone?

Yes Mom, I am much more safe here now
At last my adventure starts to look like a real adventure!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hunter or hunted

Just after I managed to send the last message I started moving uphill from 'basecamp' or whatever you would like to call it and barely minutes later I heard alot of screaming and shouting so I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until the screaming died out.
I slowed down and moved over a ridge and found myself in the following setting, actually pretty nice but it wasn't until I had calmed down that I saw it's beauty and could enjoy it in any way.

Yes, in this little pond there are fishes. Small but they are pretty tasty.
I do not dare cook them or anything since the smoke might be seen by the screamers.

I have mostly been trying to rebuild strength and eat fish and fruits and vegetables I have found nearby. Every few hours I can hear some kind of airplane circling for a few minutes but I dare not show myself.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Apathy and slow death

Eric is dead too. Late on friday night he fell very ill from his wounds and in the middle of the night I was no longer able to contact him at all. Before sunrise he was dead and I lost all strength to do anything. This is one of many reasons I have not been able to write or do basically anything at all for several days.
His last night alive he started to tell me lots of what he had done in his life and what he regretted the most was that he throughout his life had hidden his real life from his family and friends and that he now wouldn't be able to correct his wrongdoings. He also told me several places that he had worked at, one of those was very interesting to me and unfortunatly very worrying too.
It would seem as Eric for some years had been in contact with the military that he talked about a few days ago. He didn't have enough strength to go into details about much but he gave me the broad picture and it seems clear that our crash must have attracted attention and it is only a matter of time until they find this site. And when they do I better be far away or else my time is most certainly up.

I couldn't handle burying Eric for several days and instead hid in the nearby thick forest barely eating or drinking anything and getting weaker by the hour until I got really shook up by a small herd of what looked like small wild horses rushed by me pretty close. For a second I had images of military men and horrific apparatus sinking into my flesh as they tortured me to talk.
But I think I should thank that herd that it shook me back into action!

I have last night buried Eric deep and collected the material that I hope will be anough for me to survive a trek to another place in case the military is closeby. I stuffed as much as I can into Erics old, big backpack and wrapped up the solar panel in thick leaves to protect and conceal it slightly. Maybe I can find some safe place not too far away, or perhaps civilization.

I would kill for a hamburger about now!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Where are we??

We are somewhere in asia but I am not sure where at all. We crashed on a field with tall mountains on one side (north I think) and a rocky beach on the other side. Except for this field all the surroundings I have seen have been deep thick forest/jungle.

I had to bury Tatsui, Paul and Nicole but I just cannot find Jonathan or sunglass guy.
We have set up camp just beside the wreckage and sleep inside it during night since we don't know what could be out there. During the nights I have heard strange animal sounds and Eric have had som horrible nightmare visions it seems like, but I think it is more due to his injury than him actually seeing anything.

I found a solar panel in a box in the rear of the plane and Eric has managed to plug it up so we can recharge the electronics. It works but it means I can only us these things during short periods of time. I wish I hadn't forgotten my phone at home, then I could have perhaps sent some message to a friend.

People! Let this be a lesson for you! Don't trust that you always can get numbers and addresses from your phone. Memorize Memorize Memorize! I wish I had.
Please Help Me!!


Is there someone out there reading this???
Our plane have crashed and many are dead! Only me and Eric seem to have survived and Eric is hurt pretty severly!
I don't know what happened but in midflight the plane all of a sudden shook violently and the pilot lost control of the plane. My memory is fragmentory at best from the crash but I remember seing a mountainrange kinda nearby where we must have crashed!
I have spent the last few days salvaging goods out of the wreckage of the airplane and tending to Eric while he has worked on a way to get my phone and computer working. Both took a bad beating in the crash.
I have tried to use the phone a few times but I just can't manage to get the microphone to work. Eric managed to get the phone and computer connected yesterday and somehow have found information that our location isn't a very good one.
He says that where we are some military faction is in total control and they don't take easy on intruders. To tell you the truth we are scared as hell!